“Where Truth May Lie” vinyl will exclusively include the single
“Tin Patrida M’ Ehasa”, their 2021 adaptation of the Pontian title song.
“I am the Priest. At least that’s who I was. Until my daughter and wife, my entire world, were burned alive, lost into flames during their evening prayers. The fire of their offering candles sealed their fate. Overwhelmed by the horror of finding their burned bodies, denied of all I ever loved by the same gods I worshiped, I am now struggling to find a reason to exist. My faith, my hopes and dreams were all burned by this funeral pyre…Now, with no home left, I seek to find answers and meaning to my own existence..”
Hit the link to order “Where Truth May Lie”
Vinyl Store: https://bit.ly/eor_wtml_vs2023
Merch from the band: https://enemyofreality.bandcamp.com/
Discover the world of E.O.R. also at:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6VUY8…
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enemyofreal…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enemyofreali…