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Marko Hietala – Roses From The Deep – The interview

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Marko Hietala is back! This amazing musician will release his second solo album, entitled “Roses From The Deep”, next February and he’s coming over to Greece, to perform live, alongside his former bandmate and one of the most magical voices in the world, Tarja Turunen. We caught up with the mighty Finnish, who resides in Spain as we speak, and talked about the new album, the creative process and the ideas which became demos, which became songs.

Marko shared his thoughts about his previous mental state, about the message he received from Tarja for a “The Phantom Of The Opera” reliving version, about those moments on stage and their meaning all over the crowd and the musicians themselves.

It’s always a pleasure to talk to such a gentleman, such a gentle soul. We even dared to ask a question about a certain song; he replied in the best possible way and showed the side of a magnificent creature. And regarding his coming over to Greece, alongside Tarja… Is it April yet?

Our most sincere thanks to Silke Yli-Sirniö from Nuclear Blast, for arranging this interview.

Costas Koulis

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